Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


How-To: secure and hide the yarn ends

How to secure the yarn and make the start and end invisible. Use this when you embroider eyes, mouth and other decorations on a doll.

Try to choose a less visible point for the entry and exit of the embroidery yarn. I chose behind the ear. Insert the needle in the space between the stitches (do not go through the stitch and leave 2-3 inches yarn for securing when finished), pull the needle out at the front of the head and embroider the mouth or eye as instructed in the pattern.

After finishing pull the needle out at the same point (picture 1) then tie both yarn ends together (picture 2), use the tip of scissors to push both yarn ends inside the doll (picture 3) and you are finished (picture 4).

This short tutorial is also downloadable as PDF file.


  1. In December when I was finishing a crocheted crab for my 7-year old grandson, he commented, “Now you can make a mermaid for Keira (his 3 1/2 year-old sister). I looked up mermaids and found your sweet “Jazzy the Mermaid. I had to use a larger hook and Jazzy grew to 15”. How do I post my completed Jazzy? Does she still qualify to be an amigurumi since she is so large?
    Susan McKenna

  2. Hi Susan
    Great that you loved the pattern. You can send a photo of your Jazzy to or if you use ravelry post the photo there:


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