Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


Featured designer ‘Guichai Dolls’

I was very impressed with his works. They are very good and some are very sophisticated.
Here is the interview with Guichai Dolls.

When did you learn to crochet?
I first picked up Crochet around the year 2007.

What was your first crochet project? How did it turn out?
My first Crochet project was 2 small rabbits, the finished doll’s faces were very funny.

How did you first discover crochet and amigurumi?
I first discovered crochet on a website called

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get my inspiration from Cartoons , animations and online games.

What is your favorite crochet item that you have made?
Lord Ganesha is my favorite work so far.

Where do you sell your crochet?
My Etsy shop :

What might we see from you next?
I am thinking about small dolls which can easily be made not hard to crochet such as snails or bats & so on.

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