Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


Gingerbread doll crochet pattern for Christmas

I made a new pattern for a Gingerbread Man. A Snowman pattern will finish this weekend. I'm still working on the Santa Claus. These dolls are 16" (40cm) high. The Gingerbread Man is very cute. 
The pattern is sold for around $2.99 on Amazon (for the Kindle), iBookstore (for your iPad) and Kobobooks (Kobo e-reader).

(Somehow it did not appear on the iBookstore yet: will be visible in a few days and then I add the link)


  1. şapka çok yakışmış daha da sevimli olmuş :)

  2. HELP, I need a Handy Manny pattern. Do you think you could help me find one?


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