Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


Black Friday Sale - 2012

A couple of my patterns are now on sale. Unfortunately I cannot change the price on all. Below are the patterns and where they are on sale. These offers are only valid while the sale lasts.

Christmas Ornaments for 0.99 $ on Amazon and £0.99 on
(Price was 4.99$. While sale lasts.)
(ps. Amazon increases the price for delivery and VAT. This can be as much as 0.60$)

 iPad Sleeve crochet pattern: free on iTunes and Kobobook (was 0.99$)

 Baby Bunny: discounted to 0.99$* on iTunes, Kobobooks and Amazon.

While sale lasts. On Amazon the price will be slighlty higher: Amazon adds delivery costs and in some countries VAT. 

 The Red Doily Bag is free on Kobobooks.

Cheshire Cat will be 0.99$ (was 4.99$) on Amazon and £0.99 on

(ps.s Amazon increases the price for delivery and VAT. This can be as much as 0.60$)

Cheeky Monkeys pattern will be 0.99$ on Amazon (was 4.99$)  and £0.99 on

  The discount is only while sale lasts. On Amazon the prices might be 0.60$ higher: for delivery costs and in some countries for VAT.


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