Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


Patterns on your e-reader?

Happy New Year

In 2011 I started publishing crochet patterns on Amazon, iTunes and Barnes&Noble . I'd like to come in contact with people who bought these and like to know their experience. I know already that patterns on the Kindle cannot be printed. I guess the Kindle is like "electronic paper". No reason to print...unless you use the Kindle program on your pc! I would recommend PC users to buy the PDF version on Etsy. Any feedback about the patterns on Amazon, iTunes and Barnes&Noble is more than welcome! Also if you like to write a review on any of these sites: I would be very grateful :)

I am working on a new pattern. It has birds and flowers, hopefully I can show photos soon.

~ Sayjai ~


  1. I bought your cheeky monkey on my nook color and love it! Printed patterns usually end up with blurry pictures so I love being able to carry the pattern with me with nice, clear pictures.

  2. Hi Michele

    Thank you for the comments. Great that the pictures are clear. They are optimized for devices like Nooks/ Kindle. Not too big so they load quickly. Not too small so they are still crisp.
    Thank you for the input. If you like to leave a review on Barnes&Noble I'd be much obliged. Definetely please send your e-mail address to

    Have a nice day


  3. Hi there, I'm really glad you asked! I bought two of your patterns from the iTunes store; the Funky Guys and the Animal Friends. As always I love the patterns, and it is nice to be able to work from my phone on a pattern rather than carry around paper.

    BUT there are times I like to write on the patterns to mark where I stopped, colors, etc. On my Mac I could pull up the Animal Friends (created as a type "purchased book") and print out the pages I needed no problem. Funky guys however is marked as a type "protected book" and will not even display on my machine; I can ONLY look at it on my phone.

    This was my first pattern purchase on my phone, and while I like the patterns I am frustrated I can't print the pages I need for Funky Guys.

    That said, they are great patterns, and I appreciate the opportunity to give you feedback on my purchase. Thank you!

  4. Hi Traci

    Thank you for your message. Funky Guys is the only pattern published through It has a copyright protection which I disabled today. Thank you for telling me this. The other patterns are published through and don't have copyright protection. Please send me an e-mail on, so I have your e-mail address.

    Have a nice day



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