Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


I am mentioned on the blog "Dolls, Crafing and Collecting"

It's always great to get mentioned on another blog: Thank you Robyn for mentioning me. The photo on the blog is of the "Pink Lady" which is now available on my blog as a free pattern. It's also available in the Amazon Kindle store but there you have to pay for it: could not upload it for free. Only big publishers can publish free content on Amazon. (The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reader for books. You download the pattern in a small device the size of a book).

Click here to go to the Pink Little Lady Pattern (it's actually the post right before this one)

1 comment

  1. The pink lady doll is especially cute. I love the little basket as well. I've never actually heard of kindle so will have to go check it out now.
    Your blog is lovely


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